Monday, January 30, 2012

what is it about shoes? and other random musings

I've had a delightful couple of weeks in Florida with a couple of more to go.  I was trying to decide what exactly made me like being here so much.  I finally decided it was wearing sandals. If it is warm enough for sandals, even if I have on long pants, I'm happy.  Putting on those shoes is always a real downer.

I had visitors this past weekend. They left this morning.  Although I loved having them I was also glad when they left.  I'm not used to having people around 24 hours a day and even though you know you don't need to play hostess and handmaiden the entire time you still have to keep track of what to eat, when to eat, what to do, and be pleasant all the time.  Today I've done the laundry to get ready for my next guest.  By Wednesday I'll be ready for a great time with B and it will just be us "girls" - like a slumber party!

Being in Florida the last two weeks has also meant that I'm subjected to ALL the Republican primary political ads. OMG! These people are all crazy and vitupertive.  Hopefully they are all self-destructing before my very eyes. Tomorrow is the primary so tonight's TV commercials should be really insane.

KT had an interview last week with Ohio State for a position for next year. A two day series of interviews, followed by a weekend of looking around to see it they would like living in Columbus.  Pretty intense. I'm anxiously awaiting her impressions of the interviews, the position, the city.  I liked Columbus but that was 40 years ago. I guess I'll just wait and see.

1 comment:

Xtreme English said...

It is hard to be pleasant, and all of us hosts feel guilty as hell about it. Its hard to have our precious little lives thrown off kilter. Says nothing about us other than that we're human beings. Someone else's kinkly hair in our bathtub?? They don't see it (or they even feel it's our job to clean up after them). Water filtering pitcher drained and put back in the fridge and not refilled? New apps added to our spare PC?? Gah.