Wednesday, August 01, 2012

Getting ready to go to the beach

We hadn't planned to go to the beach this summer as things were very busy and schedules kept shifting.  Finally, we found a weekend that Husband was available so we booked flights for a quick trip. He'll be there for the weekend and I'll stay for two weeks.   As much as I hate to admit it I think that two weeks is going to be my new beach trip length.   No more four and five weekers will be possible because now that my father doesn't drive I need to be around for the errands etc.  As Husband pointed out I can just make more short trips but that does get expensive.  Oh well.  It will all work out fine and I'm getting an unexpected trip now.

We have some friends joining us from Miami for the weekend.  They are bringing me a very, very cool motor scooter!  It's an old Honda scooter, looks like a Vespa, that their kids used in high school and college.  Now that no one is using it they wanted it out of the garage.  Can you just picture me tooling around on an orange motor scooter?  This will be so cool.  I guess I will need to get some sort of helmet as I may fall off at least once or twice as I'm learning to ride it.  But it just suits my beach fantasy..... Pictures will follow.

Now I must go find the phone number of the shutter repairman as one of our guests has over-rolled the storm shutter (for the second time!) and I need to have it fixed while I'm there.  It is stuck in the up position which is good when I"m there but not so good with some tropical weather forming in the Atlantic. 

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